News & Event

Undergraduate Party Branch of Grade 2019 Won the Second Prize in the Student Party Branch Style Competition of the University

Author:Nov 23, 2021editor:刘国华Amount of reading:


(Correspondent: Zhang Xueyu, Liu Guohua) On November 18, the Student Party Branch Style Competition on Party History Study and Education of the university was held in the lecture hall on the fourth floor of Gemmological Institute. Our undergraduate party branch of Grade 2019 won the second prize and Wang Xinyu won the excellent instructor after fierce competition.



A total of 12 teams took part in the competition, which was divided into three links: sharing of characteristic experience of branch construction, performance of theme party day of branch and contest of party history knowledge.



The first session was a 3-minute characteristic experience sharing PPT report by Comrade Qiu Yuying with the topic of "Going deeper and more realistic by telling, asking, observing and discussing". The branch carried out characteristic activities through four forms of "telling, asking, observing and discussing". "Telling", i.e. learning the history of the Party in the atmosphere of red art by telling red classics, red party lessons and red stories; "asking", i.e., promoting the learning of party theoretical knowledge through the exchange of questions and answers among members; "observing", i.e., remembering the martyrs, inheriting the spirit and creating experiential learning by visiting the red exhibition hall and watching red movies; "discussing", i.e., promoting the in-depth development of theoretical study and education through regular reading and movie-watching perception sharing sessions.



The second session was a five-minute showcase by 11 comrades. The show closely focused on learning the spirit of "July 1" important speech, combined with professional characteristics to carry out the theme of party day learning. As "a comrade from the major of land management", Hu Zuetian has actively participated in the cause of rational use of natural resources and ecological protection and participated in the Yangtze River protection project, to contribute to the construction of ecological civilization. Zhai Yifan, a comrade from the major of law, believed that under the guidance of the strategy of governing the country according to law, the watershed law headed by the Yangtze River Protection Law and the supporting laws of ecological protection red line system were all positive responses made by the legal field to protect the ecological environment. Wang Xiaoxu, a comrade from the major of land management, kept in mind the goal of common prosperity. As a new youth in the new era, we must shoulder the great responsibility of the times and strive to be the vanguard force to realize the goal of the second century as soon as possible. Finally, all comrades faced the party flag and expressed their strong confidence and determination to "follow the Party and make our country strong".


In the third part, Comrade Bai Linghai, Mo Yufeng and Chen Mingna held a contest on party history knowledge. The three comrades performed well, all the required and optional questions were correctly answered, and they got full marks.


After a wonderful competition, the branch won the second prize, and 12 teachers including Wang Xinyu were awarded excellent instructors.

Huang Xiaomei, Secretary of the Party Committee of the university, made a concluding speech. She stressed that the party branch style competition fully demonstrated the achievements in party history study and education of the student party members and party branches of the university. All branches integrated professional features, focused on the features of our school, told red stories well and innovated educational forms, so as to make the party history study and education "dynamic", "practical", "deep" and "live", and win the "final battle" for the party history study and education.


The Party branch is composed of 145 members. The Party branch secretary is Mr. Liu Guohua, deputy secretary of the Party committee of the school and undergraduate counselor of Grade 2019. The members of the branch are Meng Sijia, Huang Wenjun and Zhang Xueyu. Under the leadership of the Party Committee of the school and college, the branch has always taken "strengthening theoretical study and improving the quality of party members" as its goal, closely focused on "seven powers", creating benchmarks and achieving both styles. Through various forms and contents of theoretical study, the branch ensures that the learning content is not empty and the learning form is not boring, arming the minds of party members with rich theoretical knowledge, paying attention to cultivating the self-reliance and hard-working character of party members, and guiding party members in the branch to correct their thoughts and attitudes and form a normal state.


For more than half a month, under the leadership of Mr. Liu Guohua, secretary of the Party branch, the members of the branch brainstormed to form the performance script, enthusiastically signed up for each link, revised the PPT and script contents of the report several times, and made many efforts to build a charm branch, a vitality branch, a creative branch and an advanced branch by using the time when there was no class in the evening for centralized rehearsal completely according to the specific requirements of the three links.
