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Ji Wei, An Outstanding Young Alumnus of School of Public Administration

Author:Nov 30, 2021editor:刘国华Amount of reading:



Ji Wei, born in 1991, native of Xuancheng, Anhui Province, is a 2013 alumnus of the School of Public Administration, majoring in law. After graduation with bachelor’s degree, he joined Xuanzhou District People's Procuratorate of Xuancheng City through the unified recruitment examination for civil servants in Anhui Province, and has been engaged in procuratorial work in the Anti-Corruption Bureau, Public Prosecution Department and Criminal Procuratorate Department. He is currently the Deputy Director of the First Prosecution Department and Deputy Director of the Crime Crackdown Office of Xuanzhou District Procuratorate.

A leading fighter to punish corruption

Engaged in prosecution work for eight years, Ji Wei always treated his work with full spirit and prudent style, and always engraved his loyalty and love for procuratorial work with his words and deeds. He used to be a leading fighter in the fight against corruption. He bravely took responsibility in the face of risks and responsibilities, pursued victory in the face of difficulties and challenges, and dared to show his sword in the face of corruption.

During his three-year anti-corruption, Ji Wei has participated in handling more than 30 cases of corruption and bribery involving more than 50 people, including investigating and dealing with major and important cases such as bribery and abuse of power by leaders of a city. Like the plot of a film and television play, in the process of punishing and eliminating corruption, he also experienced being followed, threatened, tempted by interests and other plots. For example, in the process of handling a gang corruption case, he was followed for several weeks in a row; in order not to involve his family, Ji Wei stayed in the unit for more than a month and never went home. The temptation of money, the threat of violence, the threat of dismissal, and stigmatized reports are even more common.

Pioneer in crime crackdown

Since the launch of the national special struggle against crime in 2018, Ji Wei, as the deputy director of the Crime Crackdown Office of Xuanzhou District Procuratorate, has participated in handling 5 cases involving 44 people, including the successful handling of major cases such as Liu XX and other 22 people's illegal mining, provocation, forced trading and bigamy cases, which were listed at the higher level.

In order to form a full-coverage, dead-end propaganda state, and make a household name, in addition to handling cases, Ji Wei and other colleagues went deep into the jurisdiction of the towns, communities, schools, city squares, etc., and has successively launched more than 30 publicity activities on the theme of eliminating crimes, and publicized more than 5,000 people and answered more than 200 public consultations. In addition, he actively wrote the publicity information and case news about the crime crackdown activities, and published more than 50 pieces of news information about the crime crackdown activities through publicity platforms such as "Weibo, WeChat and one end", which greatly improved the people's awareness and participation in the special crime crackdown activities, and created a strong struggle momentum and public opinion environment.

With the courage to shoulder heavy burdens and take responsibility in the process of special struggle, Ji Wei was rated as an advanced individual of procuratorial organs in the province in 2019 by Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate, and in 2021, he was rated as an advanced individual in the special struggle of Xuancheng City.


A professional expert in winning the court

From the Anti-Corruption Bureau to the Public Prosecution Division, from a competent person in job investigation to a national public prosecutor attending the court, although the position was changed, Ji Wei always dedicates himself with professional case handling standards and dedicated work attitude. He has firmly established the idea that the quality of case handling is the lifeline of case handling. In the process of case handling, he insisted on intensive cultivation, strengthened the meticulous examination of the legality, relevance and authenticity of evidence, and strictly controlled the facts of the case, the evidence and the application of the law. Therefore, he also became the youngest post prosecutor in this bureau.

order to meet the needs of the procuratorial work in the new era, Ji Wei has always maintained the state of charging learning, constantly enhanced his professional quality and improved his business ability. He has won many awards in business competitions and business evaluations. For example, in 2016, he won the title of "Excellent Debater" in the debate competition between prosecutors and lawyers; in 2017, he won the title of "Advanced Individual" in procuratorial work of Xuanzhou District Procuratorate; in 2018, he won the title of "Model of Investigation and Supervision Business" in the competition of investigation and supervision business; in 2018, he won the title of "Best Debater" in the competition of public prosecution business; in 2019, he won the title of "Excellent Debater"; from 2018 to 2020, he won the first grade for three consecutive years in the performance appraisal of prosecutors; from 2019 to 2020, he won the excellent grade for two consecutive years in the civil service appraisal

A multi-talented literary young man

In addition to solid professional accomplishment and dedicated working attitude, Ji Wei is still a young artist who can "speak" and "dance" after serious and intense procuratorial work. This is mainly due to the rich and lively campus environment of his alma mater. During his studies at the China University of Geosciences, Ji Wei participated in various community activities, and he was a frequent visitor to Hongyi Hall and "Student Activity Center". Every year, he had been active on the stage in large-scale activities of the school and university.


At work, Ji Wei also showed his artistic expertise of "speaking" and "dancing" and took the lead in several cultural performances organized by the unit. In addition, due to the need of popularization of law, Ji Wei has played Tik Tok short videos on new media platforms such as Xuanzhou Procuratorate, Xuancheng Procuratorate, Anhui Procuratorate, Anhui Politics and Law, etc. In 2020, Ji Wei, as the only male police officer, was selected into the first batch of unchecked publicity groups of Anhui procuratorial organs to participate in the publicity activities in the province. Ji Wei also gave more than 20 lectures on the rule of law in major, middle and primary schools in his jurisdiction, with more than 10,000 students on the spot, and concurrently served as the vice president of the rule of law in Chessboard School in his jurisdiction.

Perseverance stems from love, and diligence will surely lead to success. From punishing corruption to eliminating crime, from his infancy to his thirty years of age, years have changed and time has changed, what remains unchanged is Comrade Ji Wei's dedication to the procuratorial cause. Ji Wei will always bear in mind the school motto of " hardworking and plain-living, being realistic and pragmatic", base himself on his job, stick to his post, realize his life value in ordinary work, and contribute to the civilization process of the society ruled by law.